
November 2023

Titik Merah 30 x 30 cm Art Exhibition

It was a privilege to have my artworks exhibited with other skilled artists, and I am thrilled to say that my nail polish masterpieces have been sold! 

September 2023

Herbert Smith Freehills Merdeka Colouring Competition Event

It brings me great joy to share that I had the privilege of designing the coloring sheet for the Merdeka Coloring Competition hosted by Herbert Smith Freehills. 

June 2023

Ming Fine Arts Art Exhibition

Ming Fine Arts showcased my nail polish art pieces. The exhibition included Nibanna, Watermelon Ocean & Cherry Blossoms, and Magic Lake, all crafted with nail polish and acrylic on canvases varying in size from 50 x 50 cm to 120 x 60 cm. 

December 2022

University of Liverpool Alumni Event

University of Liverpool for an exclusive bookmark project. Each attendee at the event received a one-of-a-kind handmade bookmark featuring my artistic creations, all inspired by the enchanting city of Liverpool.